

时间: 晚上八点
地点: D’Idify 会议厅 , 马六甲
收费: 10令吉


多数父母都对自己细微的情绪波动毫无察觉,但其小孩很容易地就能感觉到父母内心这些悸动并大声地表达出来,也很快地能将这些情绪忘掉。当成人动了口角时,他们可以久久都 没把自己的感觉说出来,更可以怀恨在心很久。小孩却正好相反。当小孩面对发怒时,他们会很激动地把情绪表达出来,然后也很快地就平复下来并把事情忘掉。成 人往往无法了解或接受小孩这种天真无邪的情绪表达。可是讽刺的是,从心理学的角度,小孩们在处理情绪方面的方法比成人健康得多了。只有通过表达出来,内在 庞大的情绪能量才能被释放出来,以避免恶化成心灵创痛。

在更细微的层面,每个人都有个内在小孩。在这每个人很私密的空间里,这 个内在小孩无异于真正的小孩。父母在小孩成长的过程中所扮演的各个角色,就成了一个人情绪处理方面的一大智慧。

情绪成长与发展 的窍门是聆听。若父母没真正用心聆听小孩的心声,小孩极可能不觉得被了解而停止与父母沟通,保持沉默。很多父母常为了自己的孩子没与自己沟通而深感沮丧与无助。当小孩不再愿意倘开心扉,他们往往把自己的心锁在孤单与冷漠当中。沟通变得艰难与遥远。

每个人都有个期 待着被尊重与了解的真正自我。但为了生存,这个天真的小孩常常被忽略并伤害。当一个人刻意压抑自己时,这股能量转化成更严重的实像,让人不能不更认真看待自己内在的需要。创造喜悦人生的要诀:用心感受与了解及接受您的情绪。只有这样,您才能再寻回您的内在小孩,再一次用爱与关怀复修深层的关系,并找回爱的真谛。
·         重新认识自己的内在小孩
·         了解聆听的艺术
·         看到自己的内心阴影
·         释放固有回忆与压抑的情绪
·         领悟醒觉与开悟
·         寻找内在宁静
请尽速致电明洲013-369 4755报名参加。


Heal and Free Your Inner Child” Sharing Session by Ms Cathy Lee & D’Clover

Date: 9 March 2010
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: D’Idify Conference Room, Semabok Perdana, Melaka (Above Five J Lighting Shop toward ending part of the shop lots facing the main road)
Fee: RM10

* Do you have children that keep giving you plenty of “hard time”?
* Have you feel a hard time communicating with others?
* Ever feel helpless and “the world is turning its back on you”?
* Can you speak without fear and express yourself honestly?
* Do you feel resentment toward your husband or wife for the way they treat you?
* Do you believe that a child inherited their parent’s emotional baggage through child birth?

    If any of the questions above click something in you, you may be suppressing your inner child unconsciously!

    Parents are not usually aware of the subtle subconscious emotional feeling they have in their life, but children pick those up easily and express it out loud. When children quarrel, they typically speak their feeling out openly and forget about the incident relatively fast.

    When adult quarrel, they usually hold on to the grudge longer than necessary and they seldom express their emotion openly. Therefore, adults sometimes doubt for why a child gets to be so sensitive and “emotional” (expressive might be a better word though).  Nevertheless, from the health point of view, children are on the more natural way of living when it comes to dealing with emotion, not surprisingly. Only by expressing the intense emotion, one gets to be released from unease and blockage that may turn into traumatic degree should it be left unattended.

    On a more personal aspect, every person has an inner child. This inner dimension of oneself behaves very much similar to a real child. The whole scenario of dealing with parent-child relationship is then brought to the level of personal emotional mastery.

    The key to healthy emotional growth and development is listening. If the parents never truly listen to their children, their emotional needs, the child may stop communicating altogether and remain silent instead. Parents sometimes felt doubtful or sad when their children simply not talking to them. When the child is not willing to communicate, they have enclosed their heart in solitude. It remained lonely and cold despite the best intention of the parents.

    Every human being has an authentic self, that long to be honest and true, but that is usually being ignored and hurt, in the name of survival. When one suppress this part of them, it manifested into experiences that strive to be noted, in one way or another. The key to living a happy and joyful life is to understand and to really feel your emotion. It is the only road leading to deeper intimate relationships, leading you back to Love!

    This sharing session will expose you to
    ·         Knowing your inner child
    ·         The art of listening to your child
    ·         Introduction to the “Rebirthing Breathwork”
    ·         How the past steals your present, and what you can do about it
    ·         Clearing emotions and suppressed energies
    ·         Way of opening your consciousness, and enlightenment
    ·         Finding inner peace

    If you are interested in joining, register now with Keane @ 013-369 4755.