
认识OH卡 -- 分享会

OH卡是由一系列的88张字卡与88张图卡组 成。此卡系统主要功能是为了促进深层表达与沟通而 制。图卡与字卡的不同组合表达不同的能量组合。不同的玩法也带出不同层次的意识层面,代表着不同层面的符号。通过玩牌者对抽到的卡片做出的联想与构思,解 牌人能解读玩牌者深层的讯息。这些又意识与无意识里的讯息直接的影响玩牌者生活上的各种决定,严重者甚至会导致生理上的郁闷与病痛。通过OH卡解读,您将 可以了解自己大我想要表达的讯息,回归您灵性成长的回家之路。 

OH卡咨询是四叶草其中一样收费服务,收费为每小时50令吉。为让更多人认识与获益,我们工作坊决定举办一个 小型的分享会以介绍并免费为参与者作简短的咨询服务。您有多久没有诚实地听听自己内心的声音了?您知道自己现在想要的是什么吗?您是否为种种的问题烦得睡 不着?给自己心灵一些空间呼吸,让它表达它要的是什么。

OH Cards consist of a series of 88 word cards and 88 picture cards created by Ely Raman. These beautiful decks of cards stimulate creativity and communication! The OH Cards are designed to increase intuition, imagination, insight and inner vision. People around the world are using them to reclaim their sense of self and their place in this universe, to create authentic awareness of self and its expression. These cards get in touch with your own stream of creativity and processing skills.
In order to promote OH Card, we will be organizing a free introductory session for you to get to know the deck and play around with it. All are welcomed!

地点:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D'Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth
日期:27 Dec 2010 (星期一 Monday)
时间:晚上8点15分 (8.15pm)

This is a free sharing session to promote healthy mind, body and soul concepts. All are welcomed!

详情请联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.

"创造梦想1"梦想板工作坊 Vision Board Workshop

迎接2011年的到来, 四叶草为您带来一个视觉化您梦想的机会! 欢迎参加我们的"创造梦想1"梦想板工作坊.

Boost your attraction for your dreams! In conjunction to the beginning of 2011, D'Clover will be organizing a Vision Board Workshop!

建议您携带 You are encouraged to bring the followings for the event:
* 个人照片 A self-photo that will inspire you
* 杂志 Some magazines 

日期Date:1 Jan  2011 (星期六Saturday)
地点Venue:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth

收费 Fee: RM15 

报名或详情可联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info or to register, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.


“回首与展望”新年倒数聚会 2011 Count-Down c 2010 Reflection Session

心愿完成了吗? 对新的一年有何期许? 
欢迎参与我们的 “回首与展望”新年倒数聚会!

日期Date:31 Dec 2010
地点Venue:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth

此项活动是免费的,欢迎所有四 叶草的朋友与有兴趣加入我们活动的朋友参与.
Everyone is welcomed!

  9.00-10.00 回顾2010 Looking back 2010
  10.00-11.55 展望2011 Looking forward 2011
  12 Midnite 迎接2011 Welcome 2011

 * 欢迎携带drinks, snacks & tit-bits.

详情可联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

In the spirit of gratitude for all the great tidings throughout the year, may the World be blessed with love and light. Let's begin the year with joy and freedom!
~ D'Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth ~ 


总有骄阳 The Cider House Rules 电影分享会

I'm not sorry. Not for anything I've done. I'm not even sorry that I love you.
故事讲述了一个失去父母的孤儿荷马在一家孤儿院里被一名医生拉奇抚养教育张长大,他们之间有 着一种特殊的亲情。但是,拉奇教授了荷马关于医学方面的很多知识,却并没有教他关于是非善恶及生活的道理。现在,荷马成人了,他开始关心自己的未来,渴望 外面的世界。当他走进这个大千世界时,他发现了很多新鲜而又让人兴奋的事情,尤其是当他第一次品尝爱情的滋味时,他才知道自己以前知道的东西实在太少。

Homer is an orphan in remote St. Cloud, Maine. Never adopted, he becomes the favorite of orphanage director Dr. Larch, who imparts his full medical knowledge on Homer, who becomes a skilled, albeit unlicensed, physician. But Homer yearns for a self-chosen life outside the orphanage. When Wally and pregnant Candy visit the orphanage Dr. Larch provides medically safe, albeit illegal, abortions Homer leaves with them to work on Wally's family apple farm. Wally goes off to war, leaving Homer and Candy alone together. What will Homer learn about life and love in the cider house? What of the destiny that Dr. Larch has planned for him?

地点:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth
日期:23 Dec  2010 (星期四 Thursday)
时间:晚上8点 (8pm)

This is a free sharing session to promote healthy mind, body and soul concepts. All are welcomed!

详情请联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.


王牌天神 Bruce Almighty 电影分享会

Triumph is born out of struggle, faith is the alchemist.

You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.

這一次金凱瑞在【王牌天神】裡將要挑戰萬能無敵的上帝角色,這一次他鬧的笑話真的有天那麼大。金凱瑞在【王牌天神】裡是一位諸事不順的電視台播報員,他把 所有的發生在他身上的衰事全都怪在「上帝」的頭上,於是,上帝決定出讓一個星期的管理權給金凱瑞,讓他也嚐嚐掌管全世界的感覺。於是金凱瑞開始濫用他的權 利,搞的全世界雞飛狗跳。但是在这期间,他也领悟到 。。。 。。。

Bruce Nolan, a television reporter in Buffalo, N.Y., is discontented with almost everything in life despite his popularity and the love of his girlfriend Grace . At the end of the worst day of his life, Bruce angrily ridicules and rages against God and God responds. God appears in human form and, endowing Bruce with divine powers, challenges Bruce to take on the big job to see if he can do it any better. Being the almighty one, Bruce changes the world according to his wills.  However. at the end of the day, Bruce realizes ... ...

地点:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth
日期:16 Dec  2010 (星期四 Thursday)
时间:晚上8点 (8pm)


This is a free sharing session to promote healthy mind, body and soul concepts. All are welcomed!

详情请联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.