
2010 New Year Resolution Sharing Session

D Clover have a minor revision on tonight's plan. We will be extending the
time to include welcoming session for 2010, which is going to be
conducted during midnight. Thus, we will be starting on 9pm instead of
8.30pm. For those requiring direction on how to go to SP Lim's Office,
you may contact Darren at 016-662 9102. See you there tonight.
Happy New Year.





地点: Mahkota hotel
日期: 2009年12月24日
时间: 7.30pm - 1.00 am
价格: RM 120 per pax
节目: 自助圣诞火鸡大餐, 精彩游戏节目, 疯狂劲歌热舞,
圣诞倒数, 交换礼物。。

@@@@@@@@@ 出席者必须自备一份价值 RM 15 以上的小礼物 @@@@@@@@@





地点食軒中華食管 Shi Xuan Chinese Cuisine (Taman Merdeka)
DT 3639, Jalan Angkasa Nuri 1,
Taman Angkasa Nuri,
76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka.
时间:18/12/2009(星期五) 早上9:00 - 下午1:00
学费:RM 50

明洲 Keane 013-3694755
文雄 Darren 016-6629102
敏仪 Vynly 016-3362918
婷婷 Rose 012-3749772


Fantasy Christmas Masquerade 2009

A great winter greeting from D'Clover!
In the midst of the chill environment, the warmth feeing inside theheart will always beautify the festive season with laughter and joy. Webelieve that Christmas is a season of love and joy, of sensualexpression of feeling and inner self. In support of the freedom ofexpression, D'Clover will be organizing a Fantasy Christmas Masquerade on the 24 Dec 2009, 7.30pm in Mahkota Hotel, Melaka.
There will be sumptuous Christmas Buffet complete with turkeys and lotsof Christmas food and beverages to begin with. Eat as much as you canwhile socializing with all the participants of the event. Participantsare required to act out their role in the costume during the 2 hourdinner while enjoying themselves mixing around with the variouscharacters coming out from the Cartoon world and movie characters. Weexpect Captain Jack Sparrow and the Snow Queen joining us for the dinner, so get ready for some fun!
There will games and performances after the dinner. Play like notomorrow and win! We ensure you that you will laugh till you bend inthese specially designed games and performances.
As the climax of the event, we will be having the countdown to Christmassinging Christmas carols and Christmas gift exchange among participantstoward the midnight. Feel the sacredness and serenity of silent night!
Each participant will charged RM120 inclusive of the buffet dinner and asingle-entry ticket to the game and performance session.
Put yourserious self down for few hours and express your inner child and enjoy!
You may contact Ting Ting (012-374 9772) or Vynly (016-362 2918) orDarren (016-662 9102) or Keane (013-369 4755) for confirmation on seat.
Let's end the year with a sweet note of happiness and joy in thismemorable event with sensual expression of your self and sharing oflove. Looking forward for your participation.
Thank you.

致富的科学 The Science Of Getting Rich 7

拥有你致富的权利拥有金钱与财物依照“特定方法”行事的结果,凡是依循行事的人,不论是刻意遵照或者不经意的运用都会变得富有,至于不依“特定方法”行事的人,无论他们多么辛苦工作或者多能干,都脱离不了贫穷。Wallace. D.Wattles 1910 - 致富的科学


致富的科学 - SGR 7 - The Science of Getting Rich
日期2010年3月27日 - 28日
地点:马六甲華美大酒店 Renaissance Hotel
时间:8.30am - 5.00pm

RM390普通席位 (不含午餐)
RM570 VIP席位 (包括两天午餐,课程完毕后分享会一小时,只限40名额)

明洲 013-3694755
文雄 016-6629102
婷婷 012-3749772
敏仪 016-3362918



邹之骏(Enrique Tsou),专业电子工程师。曾在国际企业内担任高职并且是位成功的领导,至今仅有少数人能够担任此类职务。他辞去了高职,全心全意地追随他的热忱成为一名导师。他目前所教导的并非工程专业而是自我发展,启发其他人勇于改变的课程。

邹之骏的父亲是台湾的外交官,从小在中, 南美洲游走的环境中长大。华文是他的母语,第一外语是西班牙文,第二是英文。


随后,他被调派至新加坡,接管担任亚洲区董事经理兼销售发展经理。在他的领导下,新加坡公司在十八个月内, 由亏损快速转成盈余。

邹之骏的热忱引领他前住美国, 由加拿大藉的 Bob Proctor 直接指导, 被授权为亚洲第一位优等水平合格的讲师, 并开始创办“致富的科学”和 “目标达成者” 的研习营。这项教育里程碑改变了邹之骏的生命, 激发起他的创业精神, 成为形象及仪容领域中的企业家, 和行为改变的导师。因此他完整了形象咨询的教导,结合内在深入的改变与外在的改变。

邹之骏优秀的联想技巧, 来自他多年来的国际经营与管理所累积的宝贵经验。他的专长是研究和解决问题, 加上沟通技巧和管理能力, 这些因素都是他事业上成功的主要关键。他也曾多次接受报章及电台讲座的专访。

邹之骏曾与SBB Mutual, Allianz Life, Asia Life, Barber International, USANA - The Futurenet Group, Neways - Alliance Group等公司联办过无数次的激励课程, 如“生命之旅”,“掌握成功的定律”,“达成目标的科学与艺术”, “提升您的领导智商”,“改变原理和动力”, “成功动力学系列课程” 等主题。



四叶草将在2009年12月11日(星期五)晚上730马六甲Taman Merdeka 鸿庆美食中心的隔壁举办电影分享会。这一次和大家一起分享的电影是《少林足球》。欢迎大家和朋友一起来分享。电影结束后,将会有一个分享会。请大家踊跃参加。让我们一起来分享此电影的精华吧!

为 了增加球队实力,推广少林武学,星游说一班当年曾在少林寺习武的师兄弟(黄一飞[铁头功]、田启文[铁布衫]、莫美林[旋风地堂腿]、陈国坤[鬼影擒拿 手]、林子聪[轻功水上飘]饰)共同参赛,惜各人因谋生而荒废武学,而且全无斗志,但为了一百万的奖金,大家都愿意一试。第一场比赛面对以暴戾闻名的霸王 队,各人均被打至半死,在千钧一发之际,星唤起了各人的潜在斗志,在一瞬间各师兄弟重拾了本身之绝技,更将之融入了足球内,发挥出惊人威力。最后更令霸王 队归顺,成为了一队完整的“少林队”。


Movie Sharing

Dear friends,
There will be a movie sharing session this Friday (30 Oct 2009) in SP Lim's Office in Semabok Perdana. We will be screening "Pay It Forward" starring Kevin Spacer, Helen Hunt and Joel Osment. The trailer is available at http://payitforward.warnerbros.com/Pay_It_Forward/
This session is free courtesy of Ms SP Lim who allows us to use her office for the screening. If you are interested to join us, please sms Keane at 013-369 4755 with your name and contact details.
We will have a 1-hour interaction session after the movie to share ideas and views on the movie. The session is hosted by D Clover as one of the activities to promote sharing and interaction.
Live with values!


The Science of Getting Rich 5

Good day.

We believe this message has found its way to you out of your deep inner urge to get rich. You have chosen to be rich.

First of all, thank you for taking time to read this message. You have read on and you have taken just the next step into getting riches come your way.

There is a science of getting rich. It is an exact science just like Algebra and Arithmetic. Certain laws govern the process of getting rich. Once a person obeys these laws, the person will get rich with mathematical certainty. The key, therefore, is in the discovery of these laws and to put your effort in the right place.

The secret to getting rich is not investing in stocks, property or precious metal, nor working in a second job! The secret is that you have been born with the right and the natural potential to be rich. It is already sitting inside you all these while, waiting to be rediscovered. You are just unaware of it. The day you found the key to unlock this vast gold mine of yours, you will be rich beyond your imagination. I am offering you a chance to claim this key to your riches now.

You are invited to join The Science of Getting Rich seminar which will be held on 28 and 29 November 2009 in Kuala Lumpur - Berjaya Times Square. The seminar will be conducted by Enrique Tsou, Bob Proctor's protégé on the series of Getting Rich courses.

In this seminar, you will be exposed to some of the most popular thought and concerns about accumulating wealth. Some of these include ...
# The relationship between money and you.
# Why are some people get rich while some never get even to the edge of being rich?
# Why can't you attract the right people, the right things and the right events for you to be rich?
# How to get your monthly income figure to be your daily income?
# What is the secret that the rich holds to make such difference in their life?
# What is the greatest secret behind all the success and get rich literatures?

Claim your ticket now with a minimal registration fee of RM450 for classic and RM650 for VIP.
Act now, and be rich!

Please contact us,
Keane - 013-3694755 (leomix88@gmail.com)
Vynly - 016-3362918 (vynly@hotmail.com)
Darren - 016-6629102 (darren1201@hotmail.com)
Rose - 012-3749772 (rosehair83@hotmail.com)

"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.

"It is a natural law that like causes always produces like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

- Wallace D. Wattles
- Author for The Science of Getting Rich

致富的科学-5 研习营

Wallace. D.Wattles 1910 - 致富的科学


致富的科学 - SGR 5 - The Science of Getting Rich
日期:2009年11月28日 - 29日
地点:吉隆坡 Berjaya Times Square
时间:8.30am - 5.00pm

RM450普通席位 (不含午餐)
RM650 VIP席位 (包括两天午餐,课程完毕后分享会一小时,只限40名额)

讲师简介邹之骏导师是来自委内瑞拉的南美洲华裔,获最受欢迎电影“The Secret”、主要哲学家Bob Proctor的亲自指导及授权为亚洲的资深导师,并创办〈致富的科学〉和〈目标达成者〉的研习营。12年的培训经验。目前也是某银行的特约顾问兼培训老师。

明洲 Keane - 013-3694755 (leomix88@gmail.com)
敏仪 Vynly - 016-3362918 (
文雄 Darren - 016-6629102 (
婷婷 Rose - 012-3749772 (


请和我们联络 Please Contact Us

Please Contact us if you have any question.

Keane Leow 廖明洲

Darren Chu 周文雄

Vynly Chin 钱敏仪

Rose Seah 谢婷婷