
最后三天 Early Birds Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion


  • 如果你想过要过更好的生活
  • ·        如果你每天的生活总是在薪水与帐单中打转……
  • ·        如果你想把你的年薪变成你的月薪……
  • ·        如果你总是吸引到不对的人,不对的事到你身边……
  • ·        如果你想了解那些成功人士都知道而你还不知道的致富秘密……
  • 如果你已经读过一堆成功、致富类的课程讲座却还是没有找到答案

那么千万 别错过这难得的机会, 因为得到……
日期: 三月19,20 2011
地点: 马六甲华美大酒店
票价:普通席RM390 / VIP席RM650 (Buy1Free1 Promotion Ends @ 28 Feb 2011)


舞国英雄 Strictly Ballroom 电影分享会

“To live in fear is a life half-lived.”

Scott Hastings is a champion caliber ballroom dancer, but much to the chagrin of the Australian ballroom dance community, Scott believes in dancing "his own steps". Fran is a beginning dancer and a bit of an ugly duckly who has the audacity to ask to be Scott's partner after his unorthodox style causes his regular partner to dance out of his life. Together, these two misfits try to win the Australian Pan Pacific Championships and show the Ballroom Confederation that they are wrong when they say, "there are no new steps!"  ... ...

地点:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth

日期:1 March 2011 (星期二 Tuesday)
时间:晚上8点 (8pm)

* Note: Giving way to ravel guru Lin Yue's talk on Thursday nite, our movie session will be postponed to Tuesday 1 March 2011 8pm. Please be informed.

This is a sharing session to promote healthy mind, body and soul concepts. All are welcomed!

详情请联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.
× 休息了一段时间,我们从新开始办电影分享会。我们将增加更多感觉成分比较重的电影,也将从新调整观后分享的重点分享以着重于电影主角感受部分的分析与感想,以期更具体的在身心灵部分有更多学习。希望喜欢电影的朋友能多多参与与推广我们的活动。谢谢。

Having said that, let's start with a classic!

"看这部片子,在最后的时刻我哭得稀里哗啦。那种绽放的生命深深的触动了我。我感慨那样的勇气,真正属于青春的勇气所绽放的美好。而我却总一度过着“不完整的人生”。如果有足够的勇气人生该有多美好啊!" ~ 影评