
LT lvl 1 – Higher Self Attunement

Have you ever found yourself at a brink and out of nowhere, something appears and put you safely through the most steep and dangerous situation you were in? Something comes to you that made you feel blessed and in the safe care of a higher being. Something that gives you the strength to carry on in tough time, to persevere and to leap higher into a brand new horizon. If you were like me, nodding in agreement to what I have just described, you have been touched by an angel.

Every human being is blessed with guardian angels that come with them into this world.  When one is small, you get to communicate directly with these spiritual beings and got mused and inspired with creativity and inspiration. Kids run around freely and express themselves without worry and fear. Spirit roars and flourishes when kids are themselves. You can almost feel this excitement and joy when you are among them. Angels are more accessible to kids than to adults. It is not the innocence, it is the purity of love and honesty of feeling these small beings have over adult that connect them to beings of the spiritual realm more easily. When we grow up, we no longer look into the invisible world as much. We stop trusting our instinct and intuition. We want to be practical and real. We want money and materials. Slowly, we lost the subtle connection we have with the inner part of us that yearn for expression and freedom. We choose richness with unhappiness. We choose relationship without feeling. We choose home without love.

Give yourself a chance to connect to your intuitive and feeling side, to your carefree and joyous self once again. Let the angelic kingdom comes into your life. Let the angels enter your domain. Let them bless your every endeavor with bliss and peace. Let them bring light and love.

Join D'Clover's 2-day Chinese workshop on Communicating With Your Guardian Angels on the  14, 15 August 2010, 10.30am to 5.30pm, at the D'Clover Center for Spiritual Growth and Development, 143-2 Jalan SP 1, Taman Semabok Perdana, 75050 Melaka (Beside Milan Furniture Shop) for an affordable rate of RM480 per pax

This workshop will be showing you ways to connect to the angelic energy and to will for the angels to help you with your life. If you have decided to open to the angelic kingdom, please register with Ting Ting (012-374 9772) or Darren (016-662 9102) or Keane (013-369 4755).

P.S. 1 Deck of Doreen Virtue Angel Oracle Cards (any deck will be OK), the deck will be available for purchase during the class.



什么是ALT 天使光频疗法?

ALT天使光频疗法由受证于著名“天使夫人”朵林。夫秋博士(Angel Lady- Doreen Virtue Ph D)的马来西亚资深天使疗法师Victor S. P. Lu 所创办的一门天使疗法。ALT 天使光频疗法是一门新的天使疗法,有别于其他天使疗法课程只局限在于邀请天使, 祷告或观想,ALT 运用天使的活化能量符号以及大天使的能量点化来协助您连接守护天使,释放旧有创伤,疗愈父母以及祖先卡住的能量,唤醒内在的疗愈师,打开您通灵能力以及深沉的能量净化。


时间8 月14, 15日早上10.30 至下午5.30
      143-2 Jalan SP 1, Taman Semabok Perdana, 
      75050 Melaka (米兰家具店隔壁座)
名请联络婷婷 012-374 9772 / 
               文雄016-662 9102
               明洲013-369 4755

Victor Lu 的简介

Victor S. P. Lu 是天使光频疗法创办人以及受证于Doreen Virtue Ph D的合格天使疗法师。透过聆听天使的引导以及天使光频疗法,Victor 协助您放下思维的审判与连接自己的心,释放捆绑着你的关键,唤醒内在的潜质,让你能再度的展翅高飞!

走在身心灵成长路上近15年,整合天使光频疗法,色彩解读,水晶疗法,阿卡沙/巴哈/澳洲灌木花 精以及空间净化等,提供整合性的能量悦变智商个案及课程。

其它资历:天使疗法高皆资商师 (Doreen Virtue Ph D),德国阿卡沙花精疗法师(目前全马唯一一位),Aura-Soma ® 2皆,Auralight ™ Color Harmony 资商师,灵气导师,英国植物物理治疗师,观音广大疗法导师,美国夏威夷水晶高频疗法学院合格疗愈师。

Victor Lu's Background

Victor is the founder of Angelic Light Transmission (ALT) – Angelic Healing system and is a gifted intuitive channel, energy healer and spiritual teacher who work closely with the angelic realms. He awakened to his spiritual gifts of seeing and sensing subtle energies in 1996 and has since begun his years of exploration and dedication on personal growth in the fields of energy healing and spirituality which leaded him to began his professional energy work in 2002.  

As a teacher and intuitive channel, Victor teaches and facilitates ALT - Angelic Healing, an angelic energy healing system that comes with specific symbols of light over-lighted by the angels to connect with ones guardian angels and facilitates powerful spiritual awakening in ones life.

As an energy healer, Victor combine the energies of flower essences, crystals and colors to facilitates deep understanding of self and breaking down personal limitations of past traumas and outdated believes that results in physical discomfort or blocks in life.

The main emphasis in all Victor work is to combine his gifts and synergize the angelic, colors, plants and crystal kingdom with his crystal clear intuition to assisting you in let go your past through understanding your current situation, reclaiming your authentic self, wisdom, light and love with lasting transformation.  

Victor offers talks and workshop on Angels, Colors and Crystals in Malaysia various states and that of overseas upon request. To date Victor has leaded various ALT Angelic classes, sessions and events with students from local nationwide as well as European, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore. In which his work is expanding by itself!

Victor has a training background in: 
- cert Angel Intuitive™ Adv practitioner by Doreen Virtue Ph D
- cert Akasha Chakra Essence ® practitioner by Sun Ya Fischer
- cert. Crystal Healer by Crystal Academy of Adv Healing Art  
- cert. Usui Reiki Master-Teacher and Healer

Victor website : http://www.angelhouse.com.my