
Spiritual Dimensions of the August Rush

August Rush Movie Review
1. Evan demonstrated the extraordinary faith in music and how it will lead him to his parents. His faithfulness brought about a few realizations including the ultimate success gained through trust in God's Will despite many obstacles along the way. His faithfulness also made him a mirror to those antagonistic roles, they see their true self when they see Evan, the layers of ego simply fade away in the face of true self.
2. He is also demonstrating the ability to show the changing nature of the form world and the suffering it caused for clinging to the changing reality rather than the eternal truth. Those whom faith are on forms for example the role of Lyla's father in clinging to his conditional love toward Lyla that binds her to regret for choosing her career over her love. This demonstrated the use of guilt in holding one to the control of the other where Thomas forcing Lyla to succumb to his will for the sacrifice he made for her. This seemed to be the ultimate form of control for every instances of manipulation. Similar clinging to form are also demonstrated by Wizard and Arthur.
3.  The journey of higher self discovery is completely demonstrated by Evan who only heard the music at the beginning but are able to play the music out loud toward the ending part of the show as a complete realization of his inner self in the physical form. His willingness to surrender to the inner knowing lead him to the ultimate realization of his dream to meet his parents.
4.   The surrendering to the inner voice also lead to the prodigal success of Evan in making a huge impression in his musical ability. He trust his inner knowing and simply follow the flow that lead him to doing the right thing at the right time.
5. His choice for love rather than fear is repeatedly demonstrated throughout the show vividly shown in his passion for the sound and how he is immersed in the invisible world and shines despite his timid character on other occasions. We also see the fearful choices made that led to disastrous consequences throughout. The movie clearly state "Choose LOVE and everything will be just fine!".
6. The movie repeatedly emphasized the silence and the evolving sound from it demonstrating the omnipresent form of the Presence higher than human in working out His plan. The inclusion of silence in between sounds render a beautiful picture on the soundscape of the movie.
7. You should really note the excellent facial and non verbal expression of Evan throughout the movie. A kind of reserved yet prominent existence. True power lies below the soft and weak outlook!

Truly a piece of work to be marveled.

