Movie Sharing - August Rush
Dear Readers,
Our next movie sharing session is on this coming Thursday night 8.30pm in our center at http://share-space.webs.com/location.htm .
Our screening movie is "August Rush" directed by Kirsten Sheridan, director of many spiritual movies. This is a story about a little boy, August who is blessed with special gift of music and appreciation of sound but was undergoing sad childhood due to problems faced by both parents. He finally found his way to reach his parents through music and to unite the two through various impossible situations. This heart warming tale will surely touch you in its musical way. Enjoy great songs too!
四叶草将在2010年8月5日(星期4)晚上8.30在我们的工作室(http://share- space.webs.com/location.htm)举办一场电影分享会。这一次和大家一起分享的电影是《声梦奇缘》。欢迎大家和朋友一起来分享。 电影结束后,将会有一个观后分享会。请大家踊跃参加。让我们一起来分享此电影的精华吧!
伊云(费迪夏摩亚饰)是一名音乐天才,可是他自小便在孤儿院渡过,他对音乐及声音充满了幻想和感动,把身边的风声、草声、鸟叫虫鸣都变成他心中乐章,他坚 信心中响起的音乐,是他与父母的连系;而终有一天,他会凭着音乐找到失散的父母;可是他有所不知的是,他的父母并不知道伊云活在世界上某个角落!
直至十一岁,被音乐的指引下,逃离了孤儿院来到纽约,在街上遇到了绰号叫巫师(罗宾威廉斯饰)的街头艺人,他收留了伊云,并发现他的音乐天份,将他改名为 奥吉斯路殊,对巫师来说,伊云的天才为他创造新的事业,而对伊云来说,音乐就是寻找父母的唯一途径;他的梦想是能在纽约中央公园四万多名观众面前,指挥纽 约爱乐演奏他创作的“奥吉斯C大调狂想曲”,而他的父母正是台下的拉娜及路易...
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