
黑天鹅 The Black Swan 电影分享会


"It's about a girl who gets turned into a swan and she needs love to break the spell, but her prince falls for the wrong girl so she kills herself. "

"I just want to be perfect. "

"I felt it. Perfect. I was perfect. "


Nina Sayers, a featured ballerina with a prestigious New York ballet company, who dreams of playing the Swan Queen in the upcoming production of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. When Beth, the reigning Prima Ballerina, is unceremoniously ushered into early retirement by artistic director, Thomas, Nina’s dream seems within her grasp. But the arrival of Lily, a sultry new soloist, threatens Nina’s chances.

In spite of Thomas’ belief that Nina could, indeed, play the perfect white swan, the Swan Queen is dual roles, requiring the dancer to play both the white and black swans. And he doubts Nina will be able to transform from the pure, virginal white swan into the sensual, seductive black swan, a role Lily seems to naturally personify. Determined, Nina’s dedication to perfection turns into all-consuming obsession, leaving her with a tenuous grasp of reality as the lines between life and art begin to blur ... ... 

波兰斯基电影中的主角多为身不由己,被环境控制被旁人影响,正如同达伦《黑天鹅》中的女主角Nina。影片前半部分Nina是个克制冷静脆弱的女人,但争 取角色的欲望把她推进了Thomas的办公室,更是把她推向了压力的顶峰。起初Thomas并不满意Nina对黑天鹅的诠释,认为她不够狠不够性感,没有 释放出自己的情感没能够迷失自己,但却仍然选择了她成为新的Swan Queen。Nina对自己的中选感到吃惊,导致她在整个排演过程中都是极度的不自信和缺乏安全感,尽管她想要通过努力训练来弥补但仍然不能够完美诠释黑 天鹅,这时Nina便处于一个技术再没作用自己不能再控制的状态。于是由人物和事件构成的各种外力便开始作用,一步步的激发或抑制Nina人性深处的黑暗 势力,而Nina便被动的卷进了这场黑白角力的风暴中心。

地点:四叶草心灵成长工作坊 D Clover Centre for Spiritual Growth 
日期:26 May 2011 (星期四 Thursday)
时间:晚上8点 (8pm)
This is a sharing session to promote healthy mind, body and soul concepts. All are welcomed! 

详情请联络明洲013-369 4755或文雄016-662 9102或 婷婷012-374 9772。 
For more info, please contact Keane 013-369 4755, Darren  016-662 9102 or Rose 012-374 9772.

